Exploration I

133 – leadership terms

How often should changes in leadership occur? Aside the exception of a challenge to the present leadership, in a vote of no confidence, in the current people in charge. A regular cycle of 4 or 5 years seems a reasonable amount of time. However, one must take care to...

132 – Salaries and Savings

How much do members earn? At this point, this is very much an exercise in speculation. But some approximate values can be expressed based on current incomes for technically specialized people. In the UK for example, at time of writing, a graduate with 2 years...

131 – Obtaining money

How does the community obtain money? The community will have a number of incomes. Firstly from work contracts with outside organizations, these should be considered low cost, long term solid contracts that benefit the recipient. Secondly, from donations from private...

130 – helping society

How does the community help society at large? Simple, it helps by researching developing and creating thing to aid and benefit mankind. Initially this will be by working through and for existing organizations offering peer review of scientific papers, computer...

129 – outside contracts

How are outside contracts decided upon? Due to the necessity of securing work with exterior agencies, firms and foundations. There should be a committee dedicated to taking on the responsibility of which jobs are taken, declined or delayed. the committee should really...

128 – education

How does education occur? This is a very broad question I asked, I would imagine that given the practical working nature of the community where & when will education take place? There are 3 main methods that can be broadly applied; theory & study much like a...

127 – Election process

How are members elected to different positions? Initially in a small community positions will be given to those most suited to the role and with the most experience. Ultimately a list of advocates amongst the top 10 in each department will be found and for each dept a...


How are people organised? There are very few divisions in the members of the community and you can label them easily by situation. Transitory members: Those who are in the community for a brief period (6 months or less) there to give lectures, run courses, provide...


How do we define dialogues? As previously discussed in e115 dialogues can be broadly split into 5 types each one devised for a specific purpose. Although if a dialogue shifts into Eristics it will automatically be considered a win for the opponent. Dialogues should be...


How are decisions made in the community? There appear to be (from previous entries ) a number of methods emerging. Firstly an elected official can make decisions within the purview of his elected position. Secondly, there are are both short term and long term...