127 – Election process

How are members elected to different positions?

Initially in a small community positions will be given to those most suited to the role and with the most experience. Ultimately a list of advocates amongst the top 10 in each department will be found and for each dept a random 3 will be selected to be the voting representatives for each department who will then vote for their preferred official.

The random element that regularly occurs in committees an selection processes exists for 2 reasons:

  1. To try keep the system free of corruption and loaded committees.
  2. The elected position will undoubtedly remove the selected individual from their research for a number of years, such a situation should be considered a necessary chore and not a privilege one strives towards.


How are decisions made in the community?

There appear to be (from previous entries ) a number of methods emerging. Firstly an elected official can make decisions within the purview of his elected position. Secondly, there are are both short term and long term committees made of a random selection of members. Short term committees are created to resolve disputes in the case of an individual vs another or an individual vs an elected official.

Long term committees are created for a number of years to have authority or expertise over a particular part of the legislation, chore distribution etc. In all cases committees should be chosen at random from an equal spread of disciplines, gender etc.

Finally a 2/3 majority is necessary to pass, accept, agree on a verdict if this doesn’t occur more debate time should be allowed and then more members should be added or compromises created.