What system of dialogue will be implemented?
The concern of a dialogue is not to win an argument but to forge a greater understanding of the matter being discussed. Aristotle described and classified 4 types of arguments didactic, dialectical, examination arguments and contentious arguments. It wasn’t until recently and Waltron’s research which modernized the thoughts behind dialogues (1998).
In the new dialectic an argument is always an argument “for a purpose” whether for one person or another’s benefit, each speaker may have a goal or motive.
Types of dialogue
Persuasion dialogue | Conflicting points of view | Resolution such problems by verbal means | Persuade the other(s) in the dialogue |
Negotiation | Conflict of interests and need for more cooperation | Making a deal | Get the best out of it for oneself |
Inquiry | General ignorance | Growth of knowledge and agreement | Find a proof or destroy one |
Deliberation | Need for action | Reach a decision | Influence outcome |
Information seeking | Personal ignorance | Spreading knowledge and revealing postions | Gain, pass on, show or hide personal knowledge |
Eristics | Conflict and antagonism | Reaching a, provisional, accommodation in a relationship | Strike the other party and win in the eyes of onlookers. |
The system used in the community will usually be an inquiry, persuasion or information seeking dialogue. To make it easier to tell when a dialogue has started key phrases might be worthwhile idea like “So we are discussing X now correct?” I need more research into dialogues before I write more entries.
[note: Dialogues are a form of discussion, not necessarily a debate, they were used as a teaching and reasoning method for thousands of years before falling out of vogue in recent times. The idea of discussing a principle with structured debate not just speaking louder or interrupting is a sorely required skill in the modern era. Remaining calm, noting logical fallacies in other arguments and our own is fundamental. It is especially useful in a community that actively seeks to improve itself, and where everyone should be able to voice an opinion.]