In Entry 24 I have made a few changes to clarify my thinking at the time. Including calculating an actual compound interest rather than my guesswork while writing on a bus. It should be noted as well that in my head there is a lot of information not yet mentioned on how the community works that directly affects payment.
I won’t go into detail now because these thoughts mature in future entries but essentially the community works on the basis of monastic or kibbutz like structure, all the members are fed, have room and board, electricity and basic required utensils given to them. Thus there is no need to have actual money in hand aside from a petty cash allowance for freedoms sake and the liberty to do things outside of the community.
Even more important it should be noted that these are just hypothetical predictions and don’t take into account variance in interest, possibly different amounts of payment but they do show how a community can give value to individuals without effecting their position within the community.
Most graduates leaving university can expect to be paid €25-30,000 if they can find work. But most of this goes into food, accommodation and general lifestyle costs. The community offers a fraction of this allowing it to be economically competitive in the technological and R&D; market but due to the payment into savings the member will most likely end up better off than by trying to work independently.
For pure speculations sake let us say the community actually is slightly more successful and pays €10,000 a year into an account of each member the graduate now would receive €105,274 on leaving and the 30 year member €500,246. I would actually hope that the community could pay more again than this but it does at least show some feasibility of the concept.