Obviously when writing the exploration entries I had a lot of time to think, I also read a lot of different authors covering topics of psychology, sociology, anthropology, religion, politics etc.
Here is a list of influences then on what I wrote. A well read individual can probably guess who I was reading / watching as I wrote certain entries under the exploration I category, I have tried to only reference the concepts and not directly quote the list is in no particular author and where possible links to a page to give more information.
It’s also worth noting these authors didn’t always influence me positively, in many cases I disagreed with 90% of what they said but I tried to glean things I did appreciate from their writings or talks. (Actually due to the growing size of this list I may need to sub divide it into living writers, classical writers, bloggers, novel writers, factual writers and people who have given talks I’ve watched.
- Sam Harris
- Richard Wilkinson
- Kate Pickett
- Yoshida Kenkō
- Kaibara Ekken
- John Stuart Mill
- Jean-Jacques Rosseau
- Yagyū Munenori
- Takuan Sōhō
- Dōgen
- Richard Dawkins
- Jim Scrivener
- Sir Ken Robinson
- Glyn Moody
- Hans Rosling
- Ray Kurzweil
- Karl Marx
- Friedrich Engles
- Plato
- Sun Tzu
- Steven Pinker
- Buddhist Scriptures
- Confucius
- Malcom Gladwell
- Venessa Miemis
- Dan Pink
- Christopher Hitchens
- Richard Wiseman
- Derren Brown
- Edward Tufte
- Seth Godin