All debates and dialogues within reason should be recorded or videoed and distributed via podcast or website along with transcripts and translations, akin to Ted or Harvard does presently, under a creative commons license, to be available to anyone who wishes to listen, read or learn. This will give a searchable repository of quotes, thoughts and discussions within the community for all to learn and grow from.


Emotional Intelligence; empathy, body language, cultural studies and techniques of persuasion and manipulation should be discussed and understood to ensure members are critical and analytical when they hear ‘facts’ Discourse and the dialectic method should be used to analyse “facts”, beliefs, perceptions and lessons should be given on common misconceptions and urban myths.


Don’t practise procrastination; work on things as and when they arrive, program a consistent and mindful attitude of what you can do in the present moment. For long-term projects assess the best way to break them down into manageable pieces. In a community chores should follow this form, training should follow this form, self-improvement in all things is a process of dedication and perseverance. More importantly if you need support in a community ask for it, many hands make light work and enough people will make even the most arduous task possible.


Don’t get angry, the key of any argument is remaining calm, anger will cloud your judgement, anger will cause you to say words you regret. There is no future in anger except sadness and revenge. Don’t think the words “He wronged me”, “He humiliated me” “He stole from me”. Down that path only lies more anger.

If you feel angry, end the dialogue, walk away, continue it later. Anyone who screams or yells in rage in a dialogue is considered to have lost, both the argument and their dignity.


The past is dust, sand and muddy waters it is amazing how much we forget but equally it’s also startling how much can actually remember if we retrace our steps. Memory palaces are an ancient method of memorising and memory management of whole tomes of information, all members should be trained in their usage also in every mental trick to improve mental acuity, memorizing facts, quotations and learning useful skills