
Finding my Theme, again. – Technology and Society

Finding my Theme, again. – Technology and Society

So I did this once before, it’s an exercise from the book “Entrepreneur Revolution” by Daniel Priestley . The idea is that you can use the four questions to try and find what your theme or passion is in your life. Last year my business was crushed under by the global pandemic of COVID. Leaving me with nothing but debts and angry creditors who once were friends. While I am lucky enough to have some work. I am taking this time to try and find out where I want to be before starting off again. So here is part 1 of 4, trying to answer the questions above and maybe from there I’ll move onto a plan and finally a business venture.

How to find your purpose (attempt 3)

How to find your purpose (attempt 3)

15 Questions This list was borrowed from Tina Su's blogpost which focuses on a purpose rather than passion seeking. I am merely using her method, if you want more...

How to find your purpose (attempt 2)

How to find your purpose (attempt 2)

So if you read my older post on passion being overrated then you'll know I have embarked on a journey of self discovery to find my why, my raison d'être and not necessarily a particular activity that I enjoy but the reason behind my motivations. I followed that up...

How to find your purpose (attempt 1)

How to find your purpose (attempt 1)

So if you read my last post on passion being overrated then you'll know I have embarked on a journey of self discovery to find my why, my raison d'être and not necessarily a particular activity that I enjoy but the reason behind my motivations. The Daniel Priestley...

How to find your passion? Or Not…

There seems to be an obsessive refrain on the Internet these days that you have to find your passion, DWYL (Do What You Love), find your purpose, be in your element. With everyone apparently having the capacity to be rich, happy and fulfilled if you can just do find...

Long absence

I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who reads this blog, but that aside I should explain that I am in the process of creating a language centre in France, not that it's a real excuse at to why I haven't continued my writing, I have had plenty of time to watch TV shows...

Mindfulness and Education

So I saw this article on neural studies of Monks doing meditation and it's effects on the brain: I'm presently reading a book on some of this, it's really quite amazing....