There are 4 tiers of activity within the community which can be visualised as a pyramid or hierarchy of reasoning;

  1. Theory
    Purely theoretical work, without specific aims aside discovery.
  2. R&D;
    Applied theory (creating, discovering, producing).
  3. Outsourcing, income, experience, teaching
    Developing counselling, maintaining, educating.
  4. Chores, work, cleaning cooking, washing, farming, preparing. 
While changes in experience, ability and aptitude may make you remain more often in one of the top 3 tiers everyone irrelevant of position within the community or competence has equal time in the 4th tier. 


Groups and communities are either inward facing, to the individual, or outward facing, to the world around them. Care should be taken to have periods of internal introspection and improvement followed by  cycles of action and outward effect on society and society as a whole.


With all new members starting as equals we should realise, that in reality, not all people are actually equal. During the first 6 months of induction people will be assigned to levels of study, disciplines of work and their routines of working, waking and exercise should be adjusted to those that match the individual best.

The divergence between individuals is vast so this assessment period should be carefully outlined and planned. While everyone is truly an individual to avoid anarchy there must be some limits on how individualised these procedures and allowances become.


Be serene, composed, polite or cordial, even in vigorous disagreement. Do not let your voice rise or fall but keep it modulated and reasonable.

If others listen then you may speak as loud as is necessary to be heard, no louder.

If a dialogue becomes of intense interest it should be deferred to a later date in a larger assembly room.

If you do lose composure you should apologise and defer the dialogue until you have had time to regain it.

There is no need to be angry in dialogue as the purpose of such a discussion is for both parties to leave the exchange enlightened by it, with a greater understanding or a clarified course of action.


Practise without expectation; learn what you are taught, teach what you know, act with your mind in the present moment and plan ahead only as far ahead as is predictable.

Do not anticipate or expect improvement or growth but be happy when it is noted. Be mindful of being self congratulating or over praising others.