Installing Stable Diffusion is one thing using the Stable Diffusion WebUI to create decent checkpoints, and understanding the different weights and measures, sampling sets, and prompts is where the real magic (and frustration) happen.
Software development
WordPress plugin and database data
So I've created the tables for my Unit Tracker plugin and created some dummy data for an initial example Tracker. As nice as this is I'm not entirely sure about how I've designed the tables (read that as saying "if you think this is a mistake comment"). My assumption...
How to: WordPress uninstall.php
I have been having great fun, and when you read 'fun' realise that I mean 'endless-irritations', trying to get my plugin for WordPress to cleanly remove all of it's stored options and items recorded during it's usage. So here's a quick explanation of how to create a...
So I have had my parents here for a week, which has been fantastic! Very nice having them around but my Mum suffered a fall and went home feeling awful, she actually it turns out had mild concussion but thankfully is now resting and doing well :(. I'm lucky that...
Zend Framework and back to the grindstone
So I have returned to PHP from a long absence trying to get my head around the Zend Framework via it's manual. It's somewhat error prone and doesn't accurately describe what you always need to do but I got the quickstart project up and running. I think I'll work...