Rules for meditation: There is a basic technique called Vipassana (Pali, "insight") which comes from the oldest tradition of Buddhism. The advantage of this method is can be taught in a completely secular way.The quality of mind cultivated in Vispassana is generally...
There is much in the writings of Buddhist methodology that is worthy of respect and its aim to achieve enlightenment. We can argue about what the meaning of enlightenment might be; but, in the case of this document we shall define it as a moment, whether lasting or...
If we are to come up with a direction or purpose for the community it is threefoldTo provide a community for people from any background to come together for the purpose of studying science, technology and research while cultivating their creative and expressive...
Members of the community should when joining have some form of ethical oath much like the Hippocratic Oath of doctors; but, also an oath to progressively improve and benefit mankind as a whole. For example something akin to; Upon entering the community and committing...
Dialogues and dialectics should begin when matters of serious debate occur and the change of tone intonation and language should clarify a dialogue has emerged from discussion. Usually by clarifying the terms of the dialogue and seeking clarification of the opposing...
All debates and dialogues within reason should be recorded or videoed and distributed via podcast or website along with transcripts and translations, akin to Ted or Harvard does presently, under a creative commons license, to be available to anyone who...
Emotional Intelligence; empathy, body language, cultural studies and techniques of persuasion and manipulation should be discussed and understood to ensure members are critical and analytical when they hear 'facts' Discourse and the dialectic method should be used to...
Don't practise procrastination; work on things as and when they arrive, program a consistent and mindful attitude of what you can do in the present moment. For long-term projects assess the best way to break them down into manageable pieces. In a community chores...
Don't get angry, the key of any argument is remaining calm, anger will cloud your judgement, anger will cause you to say words you regret. There is no future in anger except sadness and revenge. Don't think the words "He wronged me", "He humiliated me" "He stole from...
The past is dust, sand and muddy waters it is amazing how much we forget but equally it's also startling how much can actually remember if we retrace our steps. Memory palaces are an ancient method of memorising and memory management of whole tomes of information, all...