What interactions will happen between the community and the society at large? There should be a healthy level of interaction between the community and locals especially in a business, social, care, aid and education sense. Open classes available to all would be an...
Long absence
I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who reads this blog, but that aside I should explain that I am in the process of creating a language centre in France, not that it's a real excuse at to why I haven't continued my writing, I have had plenty of time to watch TV shows...
What standards will be applied to differentiate a novice from an expert? The present undergraduate, graduate, master, Professor / Doctor system is ultimately misleading. When someone claims "I am a Dr" you must then ask "of what?", biology, philosophy, humanities etc....
Mindfulness and Education
So I saw this article on neural studies of Monks doing meditation and it's effects on the brain: https://www.sfgate.com/health/article/Stanford-studies-monks-meditation-compassion-3689748.php I'm presently reading a book on some of this, it's really quite amazing....
les sites educatif
aujourd'hui j'ai fait beaucoup. J'ai utilizé les sites-web duolingo et aussi trésbienFrench pendant 3 heures. Ils étaient un peu durs, néanmoins j'ai persévéré, et dans le processus que j'ai vu il y a un long chemin à parcourir! En fait, c'est pas tout mauvais, j'ai...
zut alors!
OK, aujourd'hui c'était un cauchemar ou puet-être une catastrophe. Il a commencé avec une erreur de planification. Pas mon erreur, mon client trompe, cependant, il était de mon devoir pour réparer les dégâts. Il a commencé avec le problème que nous n'avions pas de...
Premier essai
Afin, j'ai peur de cet exercise, parce que je sais que mon orthographe, grammaire et structure de la phrase sont très mal. Néamoins, pour améliorer mes compétances et monte et augmenter mon confiance, je sais que j'ai besoin de practiquer. En fait, il faut que j'ai...
Upcoming test = Mad panic
So I have a test in 13 days for my French. Which has put me immediately into panic mode. I think perhaps I should have skipped this one as my level isn't to a standard where I can truly benefit from the grade I'll receive. However, it's a good exercise in desperation....
What standards will be used to decide entrance into the community? While there is an open door policy there must be some form of standards or at least trial period to avoid abuse and allow proper evaluation of new members. Highly skilled lay persons or transitory...
What balance of time will there be between duties, research, training and leisure? It should be as much as possible a balance between work and pleasure with exercise simply being considered as part of a daily routine. Regular sabbaticals and times of relaxation and...