Lots of tagging

While all my blog posts are now happily settled into one place I realise all my tags for Exploration I have not travelled with me… So that leaves me with a lot of tagging to perform :-/. That aside I now can back everything up in one place. Ahhhh sweet bliss of easy, regular back-ups. Now to automate the process… Because I can.


I am trying to take my various blog ideas and put them on this site so things may get pretty messy until I find a nice way to separate posts and clean things up. I am not too worried about losing the minimal traffic I have from this as most of what I write is simply to have written it up in a digital format.

My latest inclusion is the Exploration I notes, a large quantity of quasi-philosophical / political writing that I did while on buses and the métro. The idea of creating a community of people dedicated to science and progress in much the same way a monastic order is dedicated to praying and servitude to a god. Only in this case it’s serving humanity and would have tangible results.

I have been very absent recently but I hope to make this a habit again. I have a lot of work to do and only one lifetime to do it in. Wish me luck.