by James | Jun 20, 2012 | Writing
Not sure what to write on it. I’m still typing up my views on creating a new community so that’s an ongoing project. I’m also working on a few programming projects now on hiatus because of work I’m doing on a business (that’s really in difficulties before it’s even started).
I know that people say that if you write a blog it should be a service to the people who read it and released on a timely schedule. I think I’ll take a page from Seth Godin and if you don’t know who he is…
at these.. Oh and you should read his books if you have time.
He is a writing machine far above and beyond me but maybe, just maybe I can write a paragraph or transcribe my deluded writings for at least 30 days (Matt Cutts would be proud 😉 I could form a good habit of expressing my thoughts online and also the progress I’m making towards creating a new kind of school here where I live.
by James | Apr 11, 2012 | Writing
To celebrate Easter, I pretty much slept, which, while doing wonders for my mental state and giving me a huge burst of energy, wasn’t exactly productive. I did manage to get a few things done, but mostly this weekend was about chilling out. I have done some small programming work, but I’m way behind where I’d like to be.
On another note, I am plowing through the 4-hour body by Tim Ferriss, and while I take everything with a pinch of salt, I find his writing at the very least amusing. I’d also note I find it convincing enough (after some Google time) that I bought a kettlebell for home training, weighing scales, and a yoga ball for crunches. I’m leaving off the diet now, but I’m interested enough to attempt it for a few weeks to see what happens.
School is good (teaching English, that is), programming PHP is coming back strong and clear; I’m even thinking of adding Java work to my repertoire as it is my primary experience at work (and still the most sought after language). Presently, however, I’m putting my efforts into PHP, and my project list reflects this.
The only thing I need to work on more is French; I intend to really start focusing on that after I get my Unit Tracker plugin up and running, procrastination? Maybe… But I want to measure a lot of what I do, and if I can do that and make my need into a project, it’s probably worth it.