Why form a community in the first place? The initial reasoning for starting a community was somewhat shallow and indistinct on detail. Upon my realisation of two factors

  1. My successes had not made me happy and the stress of maintaining my status was causing me to live to work and miss true social connections (note: in all honesty I am still in such a situation and minus the live to work mentality) 
  2. I realised my love for the sciences yet was not sure how to return to education so that I could work in such a field (i.e. the disillusioned worker 69 and the late realiser 73
What further compounded my irritation was based in part on religious institutions, not their beliefs in this case, but their exceptional ability to accommodate new members at any time. Take for example if my second point was that I had suddenly realised a profound and great love for the teachings of Buddha, Jesus or Muhammed suddenly my options are clear and there are many monastic orders, groups and paths that one can join or follow to arrive at a point where ones life is centred around their passions and beliefs.
Not only is there this enviable ease of finding an institution but the benefits of a simpler life, a guaranteed retirement with your church, temple or brotherhood looking after you and more importantly a life centred on something you feel is important. In 2008 the catholic church alone announced it had over 900,000 members in monastic orders and nunneries around the world. Imagine for a moment 900,000 scientists, engineers, software developers and technicians around the world all contributing to the next generation, building educational software, teaching in developing nations, helping countries improve their infrastructure, and creating devices to help heal the world. 
I realised that a scientific order of reason and progress for the betterment of mankind would be a great benefit to the world and would provide a place and home for those like me who have found our love of sciences, helping others and understanding the universe but have no clear route to get to that point.


The paid for scientific retreat; Some individuals may pay for a period of time at the community to simply experience the different pace of life and/or get healthier or for any number of personal and professional reasons These individuals would pay a flat rate offset by the work they perform during their stay.


Who is allowed to enter the community? In theory this should happily be answered as anyone as entries 10 and 25 clearly state. However, there are constraints in any system and also assessments, such constraints include space, budget, lack of sufficiently ranked (advocate positions), there are a number of factors that will cause a waiting list if the community becomes popular. Such a list should be on a first come, first served order, It also depends on why and how long you are planning to stay, individuals planning for a 1 month retreat compared to people wanting to make a life long commitment need some assessment.

Thus, there should be a committee of randomly selected individuals (on a 6 month churn) whose job is to assess on a case by case basis who can enter. Unless there is an exceptional circumstance to justify it people are considered equals in entering. Exceptional exceptions might include a world leading research specialist at CERN deciding to join, or a PhD level student jumping ahead of a number of unskilled individuals. Exceptional does not, and never should be to do with generous donations or monetary incentives.


Who decides what research is funded, unethical, at odds with the purpose of the community etc? Initially the head of a department decides on research funding issues. If there is an ethical element to the research this should be carefully considered by all heads of the department. Followed by a public debate of randomly selected peers to resolve any disputes. Each grant can be requested once a year, if the researcher believes there is a bias on the part of the head of the department he can request a public dispute debate to formally demand the grant (if he wins the debate in the eyes of his peers.


Apologies for my long absence blogging. I have been busy but that’s not an excuse. I’m also going to shift blogs (but not quite yet). Either way posting will resume but on a 3 per week basis, I am starting my own private school to build funds and this is taking up a considerable amount of time. My new blogsite when finished will have a number of different topics about my life, programming and of course the complete exploration I.