Why form a community in the first place? The initial reasoning for starting a community was somewhat shallow and indistinct on detail. Upon my realisation of two factorsMy successes had not made me happy and the stress of maintaining my status was causing me to live...
Exploration I
The paid for scientific retreat; Some individuals may pay for a period of time at the community to simply experience the different pace of life and/or get healthier or for any number of personal and professional reasons These individuals would pay a flat rate offset...
Who is allowed to enter the community? In theory this should happily be answered as anyone as entries 10 and 25 clearly state. However, there are constraints in any system and also assessments, such constraints include space, budget, lack of sufficiently ranked...
Who decides what research is funded, unethical, at odds with the purpose of the community etc? Initially the head of a department decides on research funding issues. If there is an ethical element to the research this should be carefully considered by all heads of the...
Apologies for my long absence blogging. I have been busy but that's not an excuse. I'm also going to shift blogs (but not quite yet). Either way posting will resume but on a 3 per week basis, I am starting my own private school to build funds and this is taking up a...
Who is considered a Novice, Advocate, Elected official or Head of department? Firstly there needs to be a founding manifesto or constitution for the community, in this document there will be certain definitions of the methods, processes, time periods and criteria by...
On the matter of health, all community members should be trained in basic first and and long-term members should strive to be paramedics or at least aware of more advanced lifesaving procedures. All members, with the physical ability to do so, should regularly donate...
An additional point on 'security' and enforcement of rules, if there are to be security members they should be formally trained, qualified in restraint and the civil laws of the country in the best methods to catch and isolate individuals who are both a danger to...
Who is responsible for resolving disputes between members of the community? Disputes fall under a number of categories, physical disputes where members are involved in actual physical aggression should be stopped by all members present or a call could be made to...
Who is responsible for the safety well being and health of the members of the community?There is a large difference between 'safety' and 'health' but we can take from this a number of different perspectives. Firstly, workplace safety should adhere to the strictest...