The disillusioned worker - Many of us have succeeded in the system we have worked in, whether that be technical, manual, service, educational or any other field or enterprise. Despite the success we find we are not satisfied. Money is good, life is...


Who wants to be a member? Why would someone willingly join a community where they earn less (although most likely save more), work to others gain, have mandatory exercise, fixed diets and train continuously to improve themselves in a variety of disciplines and...


Who trains the members? Members of the community should ultimately train each other as in entry 8. Upper-level students teach lower level students. Experts and research specialists train upper-level students and more infrequently conduct checks on the comprehension of...


Who cooks, cleans, administers the the community? In any communal system there are necessary chores and tasks that are less than appealing [to a majority of the members]. Such tasks will be distributed evenly amongst all the community irrelevant of experience;...


Who makes up the community? Primarily, I would imagine the community being made up of students, researchers and scientists, tired of the continual rat race and lack of fulfilment in current society. Those who are searching for something more/different. They...


To continue I think I will answer all the questions generated in 40-47. After that is complete I should have a much clearer picture of what is necessary.

Under construction

So far there is just a wordpress blog here. However I intend to change this into a site with a variety of examples of my coding, thought, FOSS contributions and various outlets for my insatiable curiosity.


There must be a method of entry, exit and hand over in the community. Knowledge cultivated in the community should be recorded and not lost. Manuals of lessons, dialogues, processes and procedures should be kept and backed up regularly.Where possible there should be...


When establishing a project there are certain criteria that need to be observed whether a minor project for personal growth or an advanced research project for which you asking for community funding.By establishing  solid project requirements and structure you...


Meditation instructions for Vipassana:Sit comfortably with your spine erect in either a chair or cross-legged on a cushion (traditionally a Zafu). Close your eyes (at least partially) take a few deep breaths, breathe to your diaphragm or...