Each person joining the community should be given an equal starting point. Transitories (short term members of the community) and guests need not have such stringent demands placed on them.An equal starting point would mean;An equal economic level or ownership within...
Culture?The sum total of all the beliefs values and norms shared by a groupA large pool of experience composed of learned programs for action and passed on from generation to generationThe collective programming of the human mindThe conditioning within...
Entry 21 is fairly typical of my original posts it was written without much thought or study into the subject and on many points seems very incoherent.I have since writing this entry read a lot more into anthropology and revised my studies of sociology, psychology and...
When do we 'enter' a community? At Birth? Or do we emerge slowly as we are educated by our peers, teachers and parents? Or is there no fixed community but many different ones with an over bearing national culture layered over, or underneath it? For...
Meditation has been shown to increase cognitive levels, acuity, ability to concentrate and a variety of other benefits, neuroscience also has shown that at a physical level meditation has an apparent effect on how we think; However, it needn't be hours of meditation...
Do not talk of your practise, your actions, your learning or your understanding in a self praising manner. No matter how learned you are there will always be a subject that you are less familiar with than another. It is better to realise that and be quietly humble.Let...
Do not invite transients, speakers or guests into specific areas that require silence, or lack of disturbance as you may affect those practising, meditating, exercising, working e.t.c.If such an occurrence is unavoidable make it clear this will be the case...
Arguments, intoxication and other offensive attitudes should be left outside areas with a specific purpose.'Arguments' should be had as a dialogue in a formal tone of discussion. This too is a form of learning and if anger occurs then the dialogue should be postponed...
In the community there should be specific areas for specific purposes;Sleep, Silence, Focus, Work, Amusement, Reflection, Space, Isolation.This list is in no way is exhaustive. Where feasible this separation should be...
Don't be concerned with the faults of others.Do not see others' faults with a hateful mind. Nothing is more wasted than hating other peoples hatred.Don't imitate other peoples faults; note them, question if you reflect them, attempt to find your motivations and...