Another week has passed…

So I can't believe it's been a week already, things are getting pretty manic at work, even 25 hours teaching is more exhausting than you might think. Either way it's gone and I have ... Learnt and practised a lot of French (although I need to do more translation and...

WordPress plugin and database data

So I've created the tables for my Unit Tracker plugin and created some dummy data for an initial example Tracker. As nice as this is I'm not entirely sure about how I've designed the tables (read that as saying "if you think this is a mistake comment"). My assumption...

Malaise général or Zombie Easter weekend

To celebrate Easter, I pretty much slept, which, while doing wonders for my mental state and giving me a huge burst of energy, wasn't exactly productive. I did manage to get a few things done, but mostly this weekend was about chilling out. I have done some small...

How to: WordPress uninstall.php

I have been having great fun, and when you read 'fun' realise that I mean 'endless-irritations', trying to get my plugin for WordPress to cleanly remove all of it's stored options and items recorded during it's usage. So here's a quick explanation of how to create a...


So I have had my parents here for a week, which has been fantastic! Very nice having them around but my Mum suffered a fall and went home feeling awful, she actually it turns out had mild concussion but thankfully is now resting and doing well :(. I'm lucky that...

End of the month

So this month has been a rather busy one. I've got started on a lot of things, read a lot of interesting books. Most notably the 4-hour work week. But I have to be somewhat cautious and aware of confirmation bias. It's obvious that while there is a lot of good advice...

Zend Framework and back to the grindstone

So I have returned to PHP from a long absence trying to get my head around the Zend Framework via it's manual. It's somewhat error prone and doesn't accurately describe what you always need to do but I got the quickstart project up and running. I think I'll work...


Who is considered a Novice, Advocate, Elected official or Head of department? Firstly there needs to be a founding manifesto or constitution for the community, in this document there will be certain definitions of the methods, processes, time periods and criteria by...


On the matter of health, all community members should be trained in basic first and and long-term members should strive to be paramedics or at least aware of more advanced lifesaving procedures. All members, with the physical ability to do so, should regularly donate...


An additional point on 'security' and enforcement of rules, if there are to be security members they should be formally trained, qualified in restraint and the civil laws of the country in the best methods to catch and isolate individuals who are both a danger to...