Who is responsible for resolving disputes between members of the community? Disputes fall under a number of categories, physical disputes where members are involved in actual physical aggression should be stopped by all members present or a call could be made to...
Who is responsible for the safety well being and health of the members of the community?There is a large difference between 'safety' and 'health' but we can take from this a number of different perspectives. Firstly, workplace safety should adhere to the strictest...
Who decides the initial 'rules' of the community? The rules in this context can be considered the regulations, procedures and systems that are put in place to allow the smooth running of the community. It is implicit that these rules should not run counter to the...
There are no doubt more archetypes of potential candidates however these will be included as and when they are thought of.
The Student; While in the entries so far the community has been seen as a replacement for the work life space it is an equally viable environment for higher education. Now while this might not be immediately viable, eventually the community could open its doors to...
The unemployed for obvious reasons a year in the community would be a remarkably good stepping stone the unemployed. Everyone willing to work and progress could leave with some savings and obtain skills + accreditations to help them if and when they decide to leave...
The late realizer; There those of us who very late in higher education, later during their career or even later still when nearing retirement that they actually have a deep interest or love towards science and research. In such a situation if they aren't rich it...
The Researcher or Academic; Some people love studying, researching and theorising about a subject. For them the love of their chosen discipline usually leads to a life of academic work or if very fortunate a paid position in a research lab like CERN that shares their...
The idealist; There are those who join an organisation even with its disagreeable elements because they firmly believe that it is their vocation and they have great conviction in the greater purpose and ideology of the group. Such people are easily the most dedicated...
The recently graduated; The disillusioned worker has had a negative experience in the working environment. In contrast a recent graduate in the sciences with a fresh diploma, quite often, is in the opposite situation desperately trying to obtain a career in their...