by James | Dec 30, 2011 | Exploration I
Part of our human nature is desire. Desire to those attractive to us, desire for more material gain, our pursuits bring tears, anger, worry, stress of failure . It is necessary to find ways to reduce this desire but to keep the motivation, be engaged but not consumed, be passionate but not hedonistic.
This is where self analysis, counselling and meditation can have a profound, positive effect.
Allowing yourself to be consumed by unchecked greed or passion will only end in disaster. Therefore being content but focused are the correct virtues to try and foster in our community.
by James | Dec 29, 2011 | Exploration I
We as human beings suffer during our lives so the morally correct stance is to
create a
community which is explicitly designed to reduce the suffering of the world, bring a clear level of comfort and contentment to the
members within the community and ultimately, a better world for the subsequent generations of everyone.
How best to do this is up to great
debate but certainly would involve a number of the following;
- The advancement of free, clear, rational education to the members of a community and distributed to the masses of society.
- The creation and improvement of medical and scientific theories and practical applications that can help the sick, needy and impoverished.
- The expansion and improvement of human empathy, understanding and dialogue around the world beyond religious, economic and ideological differences.
- The development of free software and open communities to create an equal platform and I.T. Infrastructure for all nations. Which can be collaborated on globally.
- Improved methods to attain self-actualization woven into the fabric of the society itself.
by James | Dec 28, 2011 | Exploration I
Other older methodologies can be consulted in attaining contentment for members of the community, The 8 fold path in Buddhist beliefs has long been demonstrated as steps for bringing an end to suffering to create good comportment and behaviour.
It can be described by the following tenants:
Right view |
Wisdom |
Right Intention |
Right speech |
Ethical conduct |
Right action |
Right livelihood |
Right effort |
Mental development |
Right mindfulness |
Right Concentration |
In some cases this can be taken to extremes which are beyond the purview of community, for instance abstaining form eating meat or harming insects; should the community be so demanding? But what the 8 fold path does show is how such a powerful idea can be consolidated into a very simple set of instructions. In fact with the 8 fold path the precepts for recommendations and the four noble truths;
The origin of suffering Is attachment
The cessation of suffering is attainable
The path to the cessation of suffering.
by James | Dec 27, 2011 | Exploration I
Maslow is largely respected and know for creating an excellent model of human needs that has only been modified mildly in the following 50 years.
spontaneity, problem solving,
Self-esteem, confidence, achievement,
respect of others, respected by others
Sexual intimacy, friendship, belonging, inclusion, loved
Breathing, food, water, sex, sleep, homoeostasis, excretion, health,
The community should attempt to provide the framework that leads to self actualization via the code of conduct, the teaching, the systems of routine should all be planned by the founding members.
The task is not just to cultivate a happy well adjusted member of the community but to ensure that they also work on creating self actualization for the next generation.
The physical and security aspects should be considered not only the founding rules of the community but also, where possible, its architecture. The floor plan, the social aspects including areas just purely for recreation, fun and pleasure.
Regular cognitive or human centred counselling by qualified experts for all members would be a worthwhile element of any community, guiding members in self reflection and personal discovery. This along with mandatory exercise, meditation and teaching times should all coalesce to create good mood, confidence and greatly aid members in their progress to self-actualization.
by James | Dec 27, 2011 | Exploration I
To correctly cultivate a community one must ensure individuals and groups can flourish within it. Without the possibility of evolution any organism or organisation is doomed to failure or in the best case scenario become an irrelevant vestigial form of it’s true nature. To keep the community innovative and true to it’s ideals it is also important to not have a fixed mentality.
We must allow adaptability in the face of change, disaster or loss of resources. The community must be prepared.